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Vocational Grammar school/High school

„Berufliches Gymnasium“

In contrast to the Gymnasium and the Gesamtschule, which normally offers a continuous period of education from grade 5 to grade 12 or 13, the Berufliches Gymnasium has no lower and intermediate level (no grades 5 – 9 or 10). Starting on the basis of a Mittlerer Schulabschluss satisfying the requirements for admittance to the gymnasiale Oberstufe or an equivalent qualification, the Berufliches Gymnasium leads, as a rule, to the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (a general entrance qualification for higher education). Apart from the subjects offered at General Upper Secondary Education, these schools have career-oriented subjects, which can be chosen in place of general subjects as the second intensified course and are examined in the Abitur.

Furthermore, Berufliche Gymnasien in some cases offer pupils the opportunity to obtain more than one qualification at the same time (double qualification courses of education), viz. a combination of Hochschulreife or Fachhochschulreife (higher education entrance qualifications) and a vocational qualification in accordance with Land law (e.g. for assistant occupations). Double qualification courses of education take three to four years and conclude with two separate examinations (academic examination and vocational examination).

Berufliche Gymnasien exist in the following fields:

  1. Nutrition,
  2. Design,
  3. Health and social studies,
  4. Computer science (Information and communication technology),
  5. Technology and
  6. Economy and administration.

At the Berufskollegs in Bonn exist the following single qualification courses of education, leading to the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (a general entrance qualification for higher education) in conjunction with professional knowledge, abilities and skills:

At the Berufskollegs in Bonn exist the following double qualification courses of education, leading to the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (a general entrance qualification for higher education) and a vocational qualification in accordance with Land law: 

Admission requirements

The admission requirements are almost identical  to those at the general upper secondary level (look above). 

A maximum age (18 years) is not fixed here. However, each school has to prefer applicants of compulsory age, especially, if there are more applicants than places.