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Campaign for the International Day against Racism on March 21

To mark the International Day against Racism, the City of Bonn's Office for Integration and Diversity will be working with organizations involved in migration and refugee work on the market square and in the city center from 12 noon on Thursday, 21 March 2024 to provide information about racism and engage in discussions with citizens.

The participating organizations include Ausbildung statt Abschiebung, Haus Mondial der Caritas, Flüchtlingshilfe Bonn, Evangelische Migrations- und Flüchtlingsarbeit, Migrantinnentreff Gülistan, Internationales Frauenzentrum, Bonner Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelles Lernen BIM, BildungsForum Lernwelten and Heimstatt. The migrant self-organizations, which jointly use a room funded by the city in the Migrapolis building, will also be there.

They will all be providing information about their work and experiences on the topic of racism and talking to citizens. The office of the Integration Council will provide information about the resolution passed by the Integration Council and the City Council in 2022 to outlaw the use of the N*word. 

In times when racism and group-related misanthropy are on the rise, everyone in Bonn is called upon to stand up for equal treatment and respect, to actively support those affected by racism and to campaign for a non-discriminatory coexistence.